These dictionaries are available for free download. Just download the .zip file to your PC. Unzip the file and install the JAD/JAR files on your cell phone, smartphone or PDA. For how to install the DictionaryForMIDs on your device, please see the documentation for your device.
Apart from these dictionaries, DictionaryForMIDs can be set up with any other dictionary, using the DictionaryForMIDs-Creator (DfM-Creator), see section Setting up additional dictionaries for DictionaryForMIDs.
Dictionaries for download
Monolingual Dictionaries (by category/website/project)
Monolingual Dictionaries from OmegaWiki
OmegaWiki - What is it about?- OmegaWiki English-English Dictionary
- OmegaWiki Spanish-Spanish Dictionary
- OmegaWiki French-French Dictionary
- OmegaWiki Dutch-Dutch Dictionary
- OmegaWiki German-German Dictionary
English-English Dictionaries
- Gnu Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE)
- Princeton University WordNet Dictionaries (currently 3 different versions available)
- Merriem Webster's Collegiate English Dictionary
- Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
- Moby Thesaurus II
- The Chemical Elements Dictionary
French-French Dictionaries
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française de 1935
- Le Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Emile Littré
- Wiktionnaire Anglais-Français
German-German Dictionaries
- German car signs <> City
- German phone prefix <> City / Service
- German zip codes <> City
- SMS shorthand <> Definition
Indian Codes-Locations Dictionaries
- Indian Pincodes (Zip Codes) <> Location
- Indian Phone STD Codes <> Area
- Indian Vehicle No. <> Area
- Indian Integrated STD Code and Vehicle No. <> Area
- Indian IFSC Codes <> MICR Codes <> Bank Names
Bilingual Dictionaries (by category/website/project)
- Bilingual Dictionaries from OmegaWiki (currently 42)
- Internet Dictionary Project (IDP) Dictionaries
- Freedict Dictionaries
- Esperanto Lernu! Dictionaries
- Free Vietnamese Dictionary Project
Other Bilingual Dictionaries
Please note that almost all of these dictionaries
are actually {LanguageName}-English, for example:
Turkmen-English, Tamil-English etc.
Also note that almost all these bilinguals have
their equivallent from the Freedict project and
also from the OmegaWiki project.- 25 Languages Wiktionary Dictionary (in one DictionaryForMIDs Jar File)
- Turkmen Bilinguals
- Tagalog-Spanish / Tagalog-German Bilinguals
- German Bilinguals set up by Marc Pauwels
- Armenian Bilinguals
- Czech Bilinguals
- Slovak Bilinguals
- Japanese Bilinguals
- Thai Bilinguals
- Khmer Bilinguals
- Hindi Bilinguals
- Tamil Bilinguals set up by StarsSoft and the DfM Projects
- Telugu Bilinguals
- Romanian Bilinguals
- Russian Bilinguals
- Chinese Bilinguals
- Turkish Bilinguals
- Hiligaynon Bilinguals
Multilingual Dictionaries (by category/website/project)
OmegaWiki: What they say about themselves:
The aim of our project is to create a dictionary of all words of all languages,
including lexical, terminological and ontological information. Our data is available
in a relational database, as a result it is possible to use the data for many purposes.
Our community data is available both under the GFDL and the CC-by license.
It is up to you to choose what license suits you best.
Save it ! Just look at the the
result of a lookup from OmegaWiki yourself.
Lookup performed for
the word «Religion» as a Dutch
word (I know it is the same in English:-))
Here is the result :
Other languages:Bavarian
Language: German
▼religion : The expression of man's belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe.
Language Text:
Breton Eztaoladur kred hag azeulerezh mab-den etrezek ur boud hollc'halloudek anavezet da grouer ha reolenner an hollved.
Bulgarian Изразяване на човешката вяра в и благоговение пред свръхчовешка сила, призната за създател и управляваща вселената.
Castilian La expresión de la creencia y reverencia del hombre hacia un ser superior reconocido como el creador y regidor del universo.
Dutch Uitdrukking van iemands geloof in en ontzag voor een opperwezen erkend als schepper van en heerser over het heelal.
English The expression of man's belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe.
French Expression de la croyance et de la révérence de l'homme vers un être supérieur reconnu comme le créateur et le régisseur de l'univers.
Polish zespół wierzeń dotyczących genezy, struktury i celu istnienia człowieka, ludzkości i świata, wiara w Boga, bóstwa i w nieśmiertelność duszy; związane z nią zachowania oraz formy organizacyjne
Portuguese Expressão da crença do homem em reverência a um poder sobre-humano reconhecido como criador e governador do universo.
Slovenian Izraz človekovega prepričanja in spoštovanja neke nadčloveške moči stvaritelja in voditelja vesolja.
Yes! That's how it works. You perform a lookup for one word, and the following happens :
-You get the complete definition of the word in language-1 ;
-You then get the complete translation to language-2 of the complete definition of the word from language-1.
-And then it goes on up to the number of languages for which the definition was provided (by the OmegaWiki contributors ; please consider contributing in order to enrich the dictionary database)
See, it's not just a bilingual dictionary. Actually it's a set of monolingual dictionaries where each definition from language-1 is translated to language-2, language-3, language-4, up to the number of languages that are available in the dictionary. Using the DfM-Creator, you can create a multilingual dictionary containing the 471 languages available in OmegaWiki !
Yes I know, you never came accross a dictionary with such a clean, neat and innovative translation/definition concept. That's why OmegaWiki is UNIQUE !
Download OmegaWiki Monolingual Dictionaries
DictionaryForMIDs on PCs
You can run DictionaryForMIDs also on a PC with a normal windows interface (instead of a cell phone/PDA). For more information see here.
If you are interested in seeing how DictionaryForMIDs runs in a cell phone using an emulator for PC, look at in the section "PC emulator versions".