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The BitmapFontGenerator (GUI) Documentation

Say you converted a Dictd dictionary file into a CSV file for DictionaryGeneration, you then generated the dictionary files with DictionaryGeneration (of course). The next step is to pack the generated files in some empty DictionaryForMIDs.jar/jad files to be able to use it on some mobile phone or PDA. Say the dictionary you would like to install is some Chinese-English dictionary. Say your mobile device does not support the Chinese language (does not know how to display the Chinese characters). What you need is to create bitmap fonts that will be displayed like pictures of the Chinese characters on your mobile device. Fortunately the DictionaryForMIDs project has the BitmapFontGenerator.

The BitmapFontGenerator tab comes just after the DictionaryGeneration tab and before the JarCreator's. Let us have an idea of what we need to do to get it generate bitmap fonts for us.

Filling the fields in

Screenshot of the BitmapFontGenerator.

BitmapFontGenerator Example

Launching the bitmap font generation preferences summary window

The preferences summary window lets you review
the options you selected before actually going
to the font generation process. You can cancel
the font generation by closing the window before
launching the process.

Generating the bitmap fonts

Hitting the Generate Bitmap Fonts button launches the process.

The font generation process.
Font Generation Process in Progress

End of the font generation process.
Font Generation Process Done